Friday, April 10, 2009

Long Time No Talk....

Hey there! I told myself this would be any easy way to stay connected with my friends and family. I suppose that only works if I update this every now and again. It seems like there just isn't enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. Anyways, we've been busy since Avery turned 3. We got her a new big girl bed for her birthday and nice twin bed and mommy got a great deal on it. We also got her a 2 wheel Disney Princess bike.(with training wheels of course!) She loves it and she does a great job. Chad and I have both been working and just doing the daily grind. I do love my new job, well not new, been there since November, but I work with great people and definetely learning great tools there.

In the newest news, about a week and half ago, Our whole fam traveled down to Grand Junction for a weekend away and so Chad could ride his dirt bike. About an hour into his ride, it got rather windy and he went off a jump and the wind carried him off and he landed wrong on the bike and blew out his Knee. We took him to the ER in GJ, which was worthless, told Chad they couldn't see much wrong and to follow up with an Ortho Doc if he was still in pain. So the very next day (monday) we got him into Steadman Hawkins Clinic in Vail and did and MRI and chad had torn his ACL and Miniscus, dented in part of his femur in the knee joint and sprained his MCL. So they scheduled him for Surgery 2 days later (wednesday). The surgery went well and Chad is now on track for healing. Although no work for about 7 weeks. Thankfully he has enough sick time built up to cover this so we can still get paid while he is out. Although he is such a go getter, he's very bored and lonely at home while I'm at work and Avs is at daycare. Other than that, that is about all for now. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Avery is 3!

Hey There! Avery turned 3 a week ago today. Chad and I both had the day off of work to spend with her. She had a doctors appointment first thing that morning, don't worrry no shots! I'm not that mean of a mommy! She is doing very well, she's 32lbs and 37 1/2 inches tall. Average size for both. We got her a new bed for her birthday, I found the bed frame and box spring in great condition for only $100, so then we spent $140 on the mattress. She loves having a big girl bed now. After all that excitement, we took her bowling for the 1st time that afternoon, she loved it, although was not very good. ;) Then we went to Nana and Papa's house and had a little mini cake to celebrate her birthday.

This past Saturday 2/21 was her birthday party. It was amazing to say the least. Lots of prep work but worth every second of it. Had a great turnout and Avery had a blast with all of her little friends. Only 6 kids total, but felt like 25, LOL. She chose to have a Dora the Explorer Party with a pinata and everything. Such a fun time. Got lots of cool gifts too. Thanks to Everyone who came, it was a great time.